Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Watch the new Sirius Documentary! Perfect model for advanced ET contact

I hope when Lemurian Embassy is ready we can host CE-5 meetings facilitating advanced Extraterrestrial Intelligence Contact, establishing a potential network for future telecommunications!!

Actually after watching this documentary it reinforced my idea and vision of Lemurian Embassy as an ET Phone boot! 

Download here

It got me really inspired to see that people from across the world are coming together and initiating conscious contact in the form of ESP, with advanced ET life forms.

 As it was explained in the documentary images inside a television stream are not found inside the hardware it's on the wave frequency radio that the information exists, just like the Internet, and if none of us initiate a google search then there is no reply from the servers, how many of us actually tried to initiate direct contact with extraterrestrial beings and not just ok let's try and give up? Like any radio it takes tuning it takes time and patience to fully interlock communications, I am extremely content to know there are thousands of people directing their kinetic energy towards initiating ET contact, ill do my best to facilitate a sacred temple to direct contact with advanced entities this is the goal and the mission of the Lemurian embassy to, create a channel an open space for direct conscious contact, without being called freaks, hippies, or weirdos, advanced ESP was practiced during Earths remote past, I strongly believe! And our ancestors were able to download and decode celestial messages and applied this into their sacred building architecture, their understanding of oneness and eventually some that truly understood left earth's vicinity leaving us with their blueprints of advanced methods of contact using sacred geometrical temple structures, using telepathy in the form of meditation and aural exercises enhancing our Antennae establishing direct contact with the architects of the cosmos, we have reached a phase of evolution where technology is playing an important role in our development of techniques for better used as communication devices and bio enhancements to prepare us for the ultimate contact with our cosmic neighbors!!

Who wants to participate in the Lemurian project please contact me and follow us

Twitter: lemurianembassy 

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