Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 17 to May 23rd Maya Cosmic Alignment!!

It's 1:05AM my heart beats fast as I am obsessed finding information on the Mayan alignment, this is how it all began, I woke up in the morning and felt the need to search for iPhone apps to align certain buildings with celestial bodies Moon-Sun-Stars-Planets etc, I been planing on using this type of software specially for Lemurian Embassy since i want all the buildings to have a sacred geometry, symmetry with the celestial adobe.

I posted a post asking for info on apps and jason Puskara and few other replies with some tips on numerous apps that have specially augmented reality, anyways my obsession continued throughout the entire day, looking at how our ancient ancestors aligned their structures and even thought this is clearly evident I was looking into how did they do it and how are we doing it to measure this alignments.

As I searched I found something that blew my mind, today May 17 it's the zenith passage in Teotihuacan I was like wow wtf big coincidence I been searching all morning for this info and here it is I perhaps tapped into the cosmic consciousness of this alignments, 

I am living now in Valladolid it's about 20 minutes from chichen itza, in a sense is my next door neighbor and I felt I tapped into it..

As I search I found out that today opens the pleiadian Stargate, and the mayas knew this precisely, once a year the sun is in Taurus illuminating the doorway in chichen itza, when the sun reaches exactly the overhead of the pyramid around may 20 the pyramids will CAST NO SHADOW!! 

The maya knew the alignment with the procession of the cosmic womb in the core of the center of the galaxy was aligned with the Pleiades TODAY at noon symbolizing the opening of the Stargate.

May 20th is the day of no shadows as the sun begins to move into geminis approximately 4:44pm, exactly with the Pleiades, some say displaying the exact location of the Akashik Record.

This is the exact time to focus our intention towards a unified harmonious system, it's the time to ask questions in silence, it's the time to understand and truly connect directly with the divine architects, it's time to call back the mayas and say we are here we know you are there!! We are almost ready!!!

Chichen itza was not just buit to align the solstice equinox was also built to align with the Pleiades known as tzab!! Or rattle of the snake, the zenith passage only occurs on tropical latitudes of 23 north, 22 south, it's the only place where the zenith can be viewed in its entirety,

Today May 17 is the zenith passage on Teotihuacan, marking the beginning of the new fire ritual, one of the must powerful ceremonies in the ancient Americas, was like the Independence Day or thanksgiving people had no work full on festivity and many bloodletting rituals, people will destroy old things in their household to get new ones it was a day of renewal.

It was believed this time was of great instability because of the changes, therefore there were dangers of beasts of the underworld such as tzitzimime wil come and devour the world.

When the fire drill or Orion constellation as it was named for the Aztecs was in direct alignment with this date, a man was sacrificed on top of a pyramid called huixachtlan, in honor to huitzilopochtli and huhuteotl.

The maya yucatan symbol for the rattle snake has three dots, marking a circle representing the sun, representing the zenith sun, Pleiades passage of may 17-20th!!

An impressive discovery I am so happy I was able to tap into this research and learn more about this wonderful culture the maya the older I get the more respect admiration and wisdom I gained as you open your hearty truly devoting myself to seeking knowledge in this ancient marvels, I feel a strong connection to my past life's to this ancient sites perhaps this is why my admiration to gather intel and understanding of our remote past!

Thanks for reading time for bed!
Valladolid. Yucatan Mexico

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