Thursday, October 23, 2014

Insight into Balikli Göl, one of the most Sacred sites for the 3 biggest Religions

Greetings Psychonauts!

I bring you another chapter of my adventure around Turkey, this time we will investigate the ancient site of Balikli Göl or also named " The Pool of Abraham "

The Site is located in the Ancient City or URFA, also named Edessa, as it was known during the time of the Bible, this ancient city used to be one of the oldest and most holy centers of the ancient world, Edessa or now day Urfa is located between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers in what is know as the Upper Mosopotamian Fertile Crescent.

An important trading center of the Silk Road between China and India and the Mediterranean and one of the first settlements of christianity since A.D 200.

It is the Birthplace of the Prophet Abraham the father of the the 3 most important religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

This is Abrahams Cave or also called the
It is also home to the oldest archeological site Gobekli Tepe located in the outskirts of the city center.

I would like to start this entry blog with one of the most important archeological and mythological centers in History.

The story began with a prophecy given by an oracle that a boy will be born in Urfa, who would kill the king, the King "Nemrut" frightened by this prophecy ordered every boy to be killed! King nemrut trowed Abraham into the fire, as he was falling the flames turned into water saving the prophet from the burning hell..

The Fire logs turned into fish, and they became sacred, multiplying by the thousands, across the entire sacred pool.

The tradition is to come to this place and give them food and in return the fish spirit will protect you, also there is a legend that if you spot a white fish, the gates of heaven will open and this will be the day of the return of the Messiah!!

I went ahead with the tradition and asked the Holy of the Holies for World Peace and the Transcendance of Humanity.

I went ahead and visited the sacred well, thats the exact location where Abraham was thrown into the fire, it is believed that those that drink from this Holy Water will be healed, they were hundreds of people waiting to go inside to drink from this holy water, it is the same one that connects the entire pool, and you could see the fish swimming along the sacred well..

There is one man standing protecting the entrance and a meditation mat for people to come in and pray to Allah, right next to it is a device to drink from the sacred well, i went ahead and participated in the ceremony, i sat down and paid tribute to the sacred holy spirit that binds all living lifeforms without denomination!

This is the plaque conmemorating the Namazgah

Detail of the inscription of the Holy of the Holiest

Entrance leading to the inner chamber where the holy things are happening :)

Anybody can decode the meaning of this?

As you look across the Baliki Gol Central Square, you can see later additions trough time such as the Rızvaniye Mosque built around 1700 by the Ottoman Empire.

Additions to the Complex were added trough time and to this days is one of the most beautiful parks and holy sacred precincts i have experienced in my life.

One of the extremely interesting religious importance objects located in the ancient city of Eddesa or what is known now today as URFA, is what is called the " Image of Eddessa "  the first iconography of the Prophet Christ imprinted into a cloth, in Eastern mythology this is called " The Mandylion "

The story goes, when the King Abgar of Edessa asked Jesus to come to cure him from a deadly illness, Jesus was too busy predicting around and doing his thing and couldn't make it to Eddessa, Jesus sent a letter with one of his disciples to Eddessa to cure the King, inside the envelope there was a cloth this cloth resembled the face of Christ..

The king placed the cloth inside the city well and used this to clean his face and body, automatically healing him, making this sacred water well one of the most holy places in Urfa, i had the chance to visit this water well and drink from it's holy waters, my stomach became extremely ill right after, and i had to go back to my hotel and lay down with pain, after a few hours i felt my body was cleaned and purged all the bad things that were inside my body, i have faith i was cured for many of my illness and discomforts..

The Image of Eddessa became the omega point for future representations of Christ such as the Shroud of Tourin and many of the future depictions of the prophet..

Something that is very interesting also and i will add a whole new blog entry on this subject is the connection between the sacred angel Melek Taus and the Bailiki Gol.

This is the Peacock Angel of Melek Taus, what is believed to be the sacred patron angel and savior of the Yazidi people of northern Irak and Syria, the Yazidi believe that Melek Taus created the Universe along with the Seven Mysteries or holy beings or angels, the holy book of the Yazidi Religion is called " The Black Book " for thousands of years the Yazidi have been persecuted by Islam and accused of being " Devil Worshippers " as being followers of
"Shaitan" aka " Satan "

The Yazidi belief system states that Melek Taus refused to bow to adam, he was cast to hell but repented, he wept for 7000 years and his tears filled up the sacred 7 jars, quenching the fires of Hell. They believe he was given free will to make good and bad choices and as a god we are all tempted by this choices.

This is the Yazidi people an indigenous group living in the mountains of Mesopotamia, one of the most interesting anglo indigenous groups living in the world, a modern day nomadic tribe.

Why i connected the Yazidi to this story is because in the Holy Sacred Book of the Yazidi called " Kiteba Cilwe " or Book of Illumination written from his own words, states this:

                " I was present when Adam was living in Paradise, and also when
                     Nemrud threw Abraham in the Fire.. I was present when God
                          Said to me  " You are the ruler and Lord on the Earth.
                                God, the compassionate gave me seven Earths
                                                throne of the heaven. "

The Yazidi account of creation believed that GOD created Melek Taus from his own illumination (Ronahi) and the 6 remaining archangels were created later, God ordered Melek Taus not to bow to other beings..

God then ordered the rest of the Archangels to bring him ( AX - Dust ) from the ( Earth - Erd ) to build the body of Adam, which in detail we can clearly see a resemblance to the mayan creation myth of the Popol Vuh.

We can clearly see the depiction of Mayan mythological man created out of mud, mirroring many of the oldest living cultures of antiquity..

I strongly believe the Yazidi are one of the straight descendants of the original settlers of Gobekli Tepe, clearly we can see motifs of peacocks carved into numerous totem like 3D murals @ Gobekli Tepe..

The Yazidi minority are currently under attack, in the past several months, there has been thousands of murders by the Isis terrorist group, towards the minority Yazidi population..

Just last month i had the chance to visit the Syrian Refugee Center in Urfa and i had the chance to participate and experience hand to hand experience with syrian kurdish and yazidi refugees.. 

I think society needs to be more aware of the situation and protect one of the most special minority groups known to man.. 

Moving forward on the Baliki Gol Complex..

People coming from all over the Arab world and around the world as a pilgrimage to one of the most holiest place on Earth.

There is an incredible energy surrounded all over this place, even the damn toilets look like an ancient lost kingdom from a fairy tale movie..

I became at one point a tourist attraction with dozens of tourists wanting to take their photo next to me, i went with the flow and cheer people up by making jokes and laugh, many offer me cigarettes as a respect gesture, so as i try to quit my new smoking habit became extremely difficult..

Here are some pics with the pilgrims..

Many of the people interested in taking photos were teenagers, sometimes adults would come and ask me to take a photo with me, there was one guy that came up to me with 2 wives and ask me to take a photo, at that time my friend from Italy try to be on the same picture and the guy told him get out of here..
Intense moment..

Here is some more with more locals, transmitting the high vibrations..

Even the beautiful teenagers would come to take a photo :)

Blasting some high vibration with the local kids, teaching them about the things of the other continent and sharing with them some profound moments, they invited me for drinks but it was late so i couldn't make it.. will never forget them.

Across the temple there are numerous tombs of holy saints to the islamic traditions, such as this one the Tomb of Shazeli Ali Dede, an african saint and mystic..

This is the famous spot where the daughter of Nemrut was killed and this specific spot became a holy site.

The sacred water fountain is the exact spot where the daughter of Nimrut died..

So there you go guys, next time you are in Turkey and you would like to visit the Syrian border city of Urfa and learn about ancient history and experience thousands of years of antiquity don't  miss it!!!

Snapped a few pictures of the arab community visiting the site, many of them were refugees from Syria..

This place is one of the most holy pilgrimage sites for all Muslims, equally to Mecca..

So there you go people i hope you enjoy this short blog entry into one of the most beautiful sacred temples in the Middle East..

All photos are mine taken with Iphone 5 using instagram, lumix gh1, Go Pro Hero and Sony Cybershot TX Series, if you would like to use them make sure you add credits to them or send me link of article :)

Till Next Time and Keep looking up in the SKY!!

-- Guillermo Alarcon --
Thursday, October 23rd, 2014
Houston, Texas USA

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The epiphany of creation and the art of imagination!!

The epiphany of creation and the art of imagination!!

For the past millenniums humans have become obsessed with the notion of describing the very own fabric of physical reality, therefore giving rise to the world religions and myths, some inspired by actual data some, originated from the psychedelic experience and some channeled by a prophet's inmagination!
But where is the source of all imagination and creative potential? Does it have a physical location? Is it what is described as the "Akashik Record " a central computing station where all brains are connected giving rise to physical reality?

A neuron works on a similar way! One neuron has no effect on the collective process but if you connect trillions of neurons making synapses, consciousness arises, is this a paradigm example of a microcosm? All sentient Lifeform originates on a collective consciousness.. If this is true then perhaps this could explain my interest in art trough out ancient times.
For example when I started my research into ancient and mystical sites, I looked for evolution of artwork throughout time..

For example art in ancient times was more connected to the natural forces of nature and a direct approach to divine consciousness, this is why mystics have a deeper connection with the ancient world because it tells a visual story of something visionary!

Then we had a fall of art since the inception of religious doctrines and ideologies, art was banned from the collective mind and the only depictions of creative channeling were manipulated and directed towards the sanctification of Cristian, Judaism, Islam etc ideologies.
Now days living in the 21st century and with the birth of spiritual science and freedom of expression we have been able to fully channel cosmic consciousness in ways never imagine, equaling to those of ancient remote times!

The creation of sacred visionary art has allowed those that are seeking a divine understanding of not just terrestrial physicality but as well as extraterrestrial and cosmic consciousness..
As we approach the technological singularity, new profound ways of explaining physical reality like virtual reality, holograms and simulated realities will completely reconfigure how we perceive the universe and it's physical attributes!

Now the question is, since 50 years ago with the advancements of technology we have been able to peak trough the vast fabric of the universe, therefore new profound changelings of artwork have evolved since the realization of spiritual science and cosmic consciousness, the question is does imagination originates as we tend to explore new ways of understanding physical reality?
Imagining and creating art and dreams is the conduit of true evolution, wherever that originates it's crucial that we dream and imagine!
Perhaps when we are able to channel visionary art we are peaking trough the mind of another sentient Lifeform across the vast universe.

Dreamers and visionaries have always been targeted, because we are responsible for the manifestation of physical reality, governments and the institutions feared us because we posses the purest act of imagination!
We must make sure that our generation is not poisoned with stupidity and brainwashed consumerism media, blinding and weakening our powers and giving up on the idea that we are the true masters of our physical reality!!

We are not just lucky we are hard working visionaries co creating a new type of vision of the future!!
I am happy that I have shared deeper connections with other visionaries from around the world, the true Zapatistas defining and molding a highly evolved understanding trough 3D graphics and visionary art, reshaping and giving rise to a new concept of Spirit - Consciousnes!!
This post is dedicated to all my good friends from around the world that make up who we are and we have inspired us in so many ways to give rise to a common belief system of universal consciousness!

To the visionaries Luke Brown, Alex Grey, Amanda Sage, Martina Hoffman for crystallizing and quantalizing the profound and surrealist concepts of spiritual science.
To the Aural Architects: Graham Handcock, Michael Cremo, Alejandro Jodorowsky,
To the Sonic weavers: Goa Gil, Psykovsky, Fractal Cowboys, Ghreg on Earth,
To the Tribe: Omananda, Rafael Daly, Fernando Itzcoatl, too many to name all of you very special beings that cocreate this new world!!
Keep dreaming!!
Guillermo Alarcon
Friday October 17th, 2014
Dallas, Texas

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hagia Sophia Sacred Symbolism and possible location of Hall of Records

Blessings Neuronauts!

I bring you another excitement discovery i made during my recent visit to Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul Turkey, but first let's get down to brief description of the site..

Hagia Sophia was built according to modern archeology and history records from other invader civilizations around the year 532 thats 1482 years ago! in what it used to be called Constantinople the ancient Roman Capital of Turkey.

Built by the Great Architect and Geometry scholar Anthemius of Tralles, built originally as a Orthodox Cathedral in commemoration to the " Holy Logos " the holy trinity spirits of the Eastern Orthodox Traditions..

For the next thousands of years it was the biggest and most beautiful cathedral of the ancient world, it was rebuilt few times after its destructions trough-out history by invaders and such..

It was later designed again by the Greek Scholar isidore of Miletus, a professor of Sacred Sciences and Mathematics.

The Hagia Sophia is a testimony of Religion ideologies and a testament of ancient doctrines that have survived since the origins of human civilization, i think is one of the most important religious centers on the planet, it's very overwhelming to see this sacred temples not as a portal of ideologies but as the ingenuity of humanity to try to understand it's spiritual and religious existence in works of art and architecture.

I believe this professors and scholars had access to a certain library of information since remote times, specially since this place located near the fertile crescent of mesopotamia, most of the riches and powers, wisdoms of the ancient world were sacked and riot by many of this invaders tribes.

Many of the oldest traditions were incorporated into various religious beliefs systems and iconography that we can clearly see till this days, this is the closest we can get to the truth of Earth's remote past and the history of civilization from the eyes of a new civilization..

It's believed and written that this church contained one of the most powerful treasures of the ancient world, including what i believe is the Akashik Record, The Calix or the Ark of the Covenant, as well as remnants of the Arc of Noah..

In 1453 The Ottoman Empire Turks conquered Constantinople and the entire city was sacked and destroy converting the Hagia Sophia into a Mosque, plastering on top of sacred depictions of angels, Islamic Iconography.

So what was exactly the Ark of the Covenant, you seen before the Indiana Jones movie right? well that's it! a mythical object that contains enormous power and controls destiny, an object that was mentioned in all 3 mayor religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, so what exactly is this weapon or holy object computer or whatever, it had to be extremely important to the ancient world, for it to be mentioned and create wars to look for this ancient relic!

In Islamic Traditions, the Hadiths says that the Ark of the Covenant contains the power to control the world and if the "Madhi" controls it, will rule the entire world, The Knights Templars were the body guards of the Ark of the Covenant, there is numerous data that perhaps links the Crusaders with the Hagia Sophia..

Its believed the origins of the Ark dated back to the Abrahamic Religions such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism, and at one point the ark belonged to the Prophet David, he brought the ark to Jerusalem from the Babylonian, Sumerian kingdom, in the Holy Quran the sacred texts mention the Relic was given to Moses and Haroon from the almighty, perhaps we see a connection here between islam and Christianity in which instead of the Ten Commandments, the almighty gave Moses a type of technological device in order to erect temples and access data from universal consciousness.

Maybe this is why Moses appears to look different as he came down from the Sacred Mountain in Sinai, he was perhaps affected by radiation..

The Hagia Sophia completely changed history, when the Great Constantin the first Christian Emperor wanted to create Constantinople the New Rome, and The Hagia Sophia as the Central Pivot of the Christian Empire!!

This lead to the Division of Western and Eastern Church as of today..

So let's start the quest to discover!

Here is a picture i snapped of one of the corners of the temple, according to some independent researchers this is actually the Wife of Christ, again a controversy that has going for thousands of years in which numerous writers and historians omitted this personal life of the Prophet Jesus!

Here is a picture of myself posing behind the great Hagia Sophia central ceremonial hall, as you can see over the corners there are depictions of Angels, this are the 4 Archangels! they were covered over time when the turks turned this sacred precinct into a mosque.

Some experts believe this Archangels are guarding the most important relic known to man that is the ark of the covenant..

There are numerous lighting effects coming down from the central dome, in various dates the lighting creates numerous effects as well as pointing certain objects and relics using the divine light, i heard during the solstices the light that comes inside trough one of the windows points out to one of the sacred locations of the Ark of the Covenant...

Interestingly over the period of thousands of years this wisdom that once existed was camouflaged by certain ideologies and this was the dawn of wisdom of man kind when a certain group of elite priest kept the knowledge and wisdom away from the commoners and this was the epic fall of mankind..

To my big surprise there was an original Obelisk that was brought back from EGYPT!!! an impressive achievement and powerful symbol of something extremely important that happened thousands of years ago!

Now days is kind of like, " Cool an obelisk! but transport yourself back thousands of years ago and imagine how was it that this massive stone was moved from the central egypt valley into Istanbul! What was exactly the motive of this great achievement and obviously we see this place as one of the most important religious and political centers of the planet in that century..

An incredible achievement of Engineering to haul an obelisk all the way down here!!

The Obelisk is named the Obelisk of Theodosius and was erected in 390AD!

My friend told me this is a depiction of how the obelisk was carried out supposedly from Alexandria towards Istanbul!

Here is a clear image of some of the hieroglyphs  writing..

This is a Translation of the Original Pedestal holding down the Obelisk.


"This column with four sides which lay on the earth, only the emperor Theodosius dared to lift again its burden; Proclos was invited to execute his order; and this great column stood up in 32 days."

Another Close up of the Obelisk!

All right moving forward on the Hagia Sophia lets go back inside the building and keep exploring more of the symbolism and archetypes ready to be decipher by the golden age..

I found in one of the Corners what it appears to be the Symbol of Lozenge, which is a peganistic symbol that represents the Earth and it's 8 Sacred Corners, according to the ancient traditions, Jesus is at it's center..

Here is a clear picture i snapped of the Holy Symbol with something that appears to be some alchemical symbols embedded into the marble structure..

I found some very interesting Viking Writing engraved into the marble stone that looks out towards the central main hall, what was the vikings doing here?
In case the Ark is not in the Hagia Sophia was it perhaps moved to Scandinavia? or since the Viking had access to transcontinental ships did they perhaps moved it to the North and South American continents, sharing technology with the Maya, Inca, Toltect and more?

Deeper closeup of the Viking Writing that has puzzled historians and researchers for thousands of years.. Whats your take on this?

Here is a photo of my good friend Rafa holding his thumb into what is known as " The Perspiring Column " Scientists are puzzled as of why is this Column has maintained moist for thousands of years!!!

The column is made of Marble and has numerous sections with cooper that stays moist during both summer and winter! It's also believed this column contains healing powers that can cure all kind of illness, i asked for my own personal healing from my Kidney Stones.. :)

Its believed when the original structure was destroyed by a powerful Earthquake, 300 Islamic Priest traveled to Mecca in Saudi Arabia and brought back Zam Zam Water and Soil and they used them to make the mortar containing healing abilities..

As you can see there are numerous Islamic iconography that was replaced by the depictions of angels, this sacred structure has turned into numerous religious projects for the past almost 2000 years!!

This is one of the famous Mosaics called Deisis Mosaic, which many think it's an image of Jesus of the Byzantine times but actually is not it's an image of Apollon from Kemerhisar or Tyana,

its being identified because Apollon has a wound on his eyebrow! As people were forced to be converted into Christians they fool them by making them believe they were worshipping jesus but in actually was somebody else!!

Something very similar like this happened in the Maya Times when people were forced to worship the Christian cross but in which actually was the Mayan Holy Ceiba Tree..

In order to reach the inner sanctum of the sacred temple, you most climb many of this intense tunnels to reach other sections, i can't even imagine the vibe around thousands of years ago with hundreds of people walking along this tight tunnels wow..

Part of the Sophia Chamber, the tomb where Queen Sophia is buried till this day, there are numerous legends that whoever opens up this tomb there will be a mayor earthquake that will destroy not just the temple but the world bringing down an apocalypse on earth..

Spotted an Orthodox priest most likely coming from Mother Russia, he was very kind in letting me take his photo..

Beautiful entrance leading to the Blue Mosque located right in front of the Hagia Sophia..

A view of the Mosque from one of the extended views..

This is the view of the Blue Mosque with over 50.000 tiles used for its construction, its located right in front of the Hagia Sophia! Here is my good friend Rafita sending the high vibrations from the temple..

Here i am located behind the Blue Mosque and behind the Hagia Sophia..

Snapped this photo just before sunset of the Blue Mosque :)

Look at the beauty and artistry of this incredible sanctuary!!

Its believed the Hagia Sophia was built using part of the Noah's Ark still conserving many of it's ancient sacred secrets of its construction..
Was the Hagia Sophia once part of a sacred temple built before the great flood? are we seeing remnants of an ancient civilization that safe kept one of the most powerful devices in human history the Hall of Records or the Ark of the Covenant?

As we stare into the past and the way we are presented ancient history with a twisted simple meal story line without truly immersing into details and thousands of years of wisdoms perhaps still buried deep inside the Mosque..

Whats your take on all this?

I hope you enjoy this adventure into the Great Hagia Sophia, please leave some feedback and stay tune for the next Edition of Ascension Adventures!!!
We will be visiting Turkey on our next Expedition to Mesopotamia around April 2015! For more info:

All photos taken with my Iphone 5 using Instagram as well as Panasonic Lumix gh2 and a Sony Cybershot TX Edition!! Contact for usage!

Guillermo Alarcon
Tuesday, October 11th, 2014
Paicines, California USA
