Friday, May 17, 2013

Q' Anil Maya Portal Activation Consciousness

Q'Anil in Maya, the Stargate; opens the gates of Pleiades and Sirius. Mediate as the ancient architects once did, aligning their vibration to oneness with cosmic consciousness,

 you are the keyboard and the stars are your orchestra, today marks the great alignment of the Pleiades with the Mayan pyramid of chichen itza, 

visualize golden sparks into the twilight, as the alignment synchronizes earths bio firmware, cultivate harmony, and plant your stellar seed, all of our ancestors practiced divine rituals in communion with the stars and the organs of nature, now days this millennia practice has been transformed into a myth or worst into a joke, as true devotes practice and follow the ancient ways of our ancestors society catalogs them as freaks or weirdos hippies, etc, only the normal norms of spirituality are allowed to be practiced, anything outside of this already established religious or spiritual practices become the symbol of heretic behavior, I long last the day when true ancient wisdom fused with technological advancements, virtual reality and artificial intelligences will upgrade earths consciousness into an utopian society as perhaps our Lemurian and Atlantean ancestors once lived, slowly the jewels of the past are being remembered and the once lost cultures of our past will return.. 

learn from your shadow and transform darkness into lightness, become aware of your disharmony and transmute all impurities, 

get in touch with your higher self and rediscover your gifts and abilities, use them towards the unification of a global cosmic family, transcend the limitations imposed by social programming, tune in to the higher consciousness for which that is the true way of god.

Become the symbol of true Awakening, by spreading seeds of hope and dedicating every breath towards the unification of Atlantean order! The ancient wisdom that its encoded within us all!!

Happy portal day and may all sentient life forms  be happy and prosperous now before and in eternity..

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking of Chichen Itza again this morning. Thank you for this amazing post, it is a pleasure to be here. Much love and joy!

