Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Humans Must EVOLVE into the Cybernetic Age

Gaia will not let Humankind Die!! She demands "Mutation" As the "Earth Changes"
"We are Changing" If the Human Specie does not Mutate to change according to the  
 flow of Evolution then Homo Sapiens will cease to Exist in this Dimensional Wave.

Humanity most look for alternate routes to Higher Dimensions! I strongly believe and optimistic about the emerging fields of Technologies as a merger of a new Human.

Within the next decades not even centuries, our generation will be able to experience the birth of a new "Specie" this new specie will become part of our new creation of Advanced Artificial Intelligence. On a brighter note, if we imagine that this Technologies will help to Re-Establish and Restore a balance to the equation of Poverty, War, Inequality, all of this "Human Traits"  can they be Genetically Alter? somehow removing people's identities!!

Miniaturizing Life  Living in Simulated Circuitry, can this restore a balance on the Planet from Physical Destruction? dis-attaching human from physicality, and giving them a World of Digital Existence, is this how Civilizations evolve?

Is Digital Circuitry the faith of Organic Life-Forms? Do higher intelligent life-forms evolved in the far reaches of outer-space have gained access to this Quantum Digital Realities knowing the vast distances of Space limits the ability to transport physical organisms across, various sectors of the Universe.

Perhaps Homo Sapiens might need to alter their Physical Body, remove their identity and their dogmatic attachment to their "Sacred Body" and know that consciousness resides inside the "Neural Synapses of the Brain" Perhaps "One" of the methods of true interstellar travel is to Upload our consciousness, therefore we could travel large vast distances in the form of digital algorithms. 101001010101

I Love Nature and Culture  i experienced the last decade visiting dozens of cultural partitions we call " Countries " being a "Transhuman" and a futurist does not mean to be unattached from Nature, but to evolve with the flow and the potential of this technologies..

With Love..

Egnogra Guillermo Alarcon
Tuesday, February 3rd 2015
Houston, Texas USA

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