Friday, April 18, 2014

Holy Friday April 18, 2014

Today's Christian Holiday, representing an ancient paradigm of social psycho-manipulation of the great masses towards the indoctrination of a massive spiritual warfare against the spiritism of bystander citizens!

A powerful unlimited cyclical system placed upon by the great imperial powers of the ancient times, but truly the core belief of Christian Consciousness as so all other religious orders is the unification of body and soul, merging the anima mundi with our mammalian cerebral cortex.

It will be a waste of time pointing out the wrongs of the doctrine, but as times change and we choose to enter an age of hope, of understanding, perhaps the true values of christian brotherhood can be accepted, we all have a christ within us, sacrificing ourselves for our loved ones and for our beliefs, the true christian matrix consciousness, an Anarchist, a Warrior, a Lover, A Saint and a Priest.

Todays holy friday, celebrated by some as a "Holiday" no work no school, perhaps we could take a moment to pray for salvation, pray for understanding for our brothers and sister of the world and of other worlds, let the blood of christ be an archetype symbol of hope for all humanity and all sentient lifeforms on this Earth..

In the name of Christ Consciousness millions of souls were tortured and displaced, abolishing thousands of years of culture and traditions not just in the Americas but in other continents, all in the vain name of Chist!

The corruption of the global institutions such as the Vatican and the slave cell of churches across the world have stained the pureness of the holy christ, may we all choose not to fall in fanatic megalomaniac spiritual discord to accept all other beliefs and choose to live in harmony as universal citizens towards a peaceful and prosperous Earth..

Happy HOLY DAY and may all sentient beings enjoy the pureness and the holiness of being alive right in this very own moment!

--Guillermo Alarcon --
April 18, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Well said, memo. Pero pues, ya aqui en mexico la semana santa se ve nada mas k una excusa para sacar las chelas y ponerse borrachisimo... en el nombre de cristo, claro...jeje.

